Print Collections
Bororo/Boe (Linguistic Family: Bororo)
Rituals are a constant presence in the lives of the Bororo. The...
Arawetés (Tupi-Guarani Language Family)
In the beginning, humans (bïde) and the gods (Maï) lived together. It...
Tapirapé / Apyãwa (Tupi-Guarani Language Family)
The physical and emotional well-being of the Tapirapé depends on the power...
Rikbaktsá (Rikbaktsá Language Family)
The Rikbaktsá believe in the interchange of "souls" among beings in the...
Panará (Jê Language Family)
The log race is the most important ceremonial activity, performed on various...
Kayapó / Menbegokrê (Jê Language Family)
The village is the center of the Kayapó universe, the most socialized...
Ka’apor/Kaápor (Tupi-Guarani Language Family)
Some Ka’apor say their true shamans died during a cosmic flood, but...
Ikpeng (Karib Language Family)
The primary festival celebrated by the Ikpeng people is the male initiation...
Enawenê-nawê (Arawak Language Family)
The Enawenê-nawê cosmos is represented by four levels: above the terrestrial plane...